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Rating: 9/10, Sleep: 7 hours, Work: 10 hours


Javascript the Hard Parts v2

Finished JS the Hard Parts. Real eye opener when you take topics you think you understand already and come to realize you don't get it all (execution context, callbacks, higher order functions, closures, async JS, event loop, prototype chain, classes). Makes me question a lot about everything I think I know. Going to replan my curriculum for the next month to do one course on frontend masters every day. Excited to tackle Will's other courses, he has an incredibly engaging teaching style that it's hard not to vibe with. Definitely going to watch all of his stuff. One thing on my mind generally is whether I'm fooling myself by trying to study CS so late in life. The only thing that's going to differentiate me is my clarity of purpose. It's a constant tension between the pressure to build versus the feeling that I need to learn more fundamentals. I think I need to give myself the freedom to learn without feeling the pressure to produce for at least another month. I think my time will be best focused on Frontend Masters for a bit.


What I Learned


