Rating: 8/10, Sleep: 6 hours, Work: 7 hours
Bouncing back, feeling strong, learning microservices, playing with GPTBeen feeling in a funk the last few days, maybe it was the rain, or lack of sleep, or the routine. This morning it was raining too, but I said screw it and went out and did a HIIT routine in the rain, despite still being in pain from the crazy track lungers and burpees (200m of lunges, 200m of burpees, 200m of bear crawls, 200m of sprints). I almost got halfway through, but was still feeling the pain even today. Felt better after therapy session today, and wrote a blog post of key messages to remind myself of on staying the course. Dove into the microservices course today, and started playing with the new GPT model o1.
- bouncing back
- strong
- determined
- back on the boat
- focused
What I Learned
- microservices
- mathAcademy
- yoga
- riceCookerFood