If you could design your life, would you? Could you?
It’s been about a month now since I was exiled. Living in a tiny room that costs $15/day, with a shoestring budget. There are times when it feels scary, falling from the peaks, with such a short runway, no savings and no ability to use all the soft skills I’ve accumulated for over 20 years. In spite of it all, or perhaps because of it, I feel immensely grateful. Because I can finally be designer of my own life, with zero predispositions, distractions or excuses.
VB tasked me with five things ahead of our next session.
1️⃣ Emotional diary. To do every day
Start creating an “emotional diary”. You can create a note on your phone/computer (or write in a notebook, as is convenient) and briefly write down emotions in the moment. Throughout the day. Each day you will get several, at least there should be 10 per day. Write without explanations, just nominalization. For example - irritation, sad, curious, happy, annoyed etc etc.
2️⃣ 10 mins for goals. To do once
Set a timer for 10 minutes, no more.
Write down by hand at least 10 goals (who to become, what to be able to do, what to have, where to be, who to be with, what to do)… from a state as if NOTHING is holding you back or limiting you ( nothing either inside or outside)
3️⃣ 3 actions a day. To do everyday
Every day find and do 3 things/actions you feel like you want to do/create in the moment or that you have wanted for a long time but have been putting off or that you feel is right for you now. Make sure to do it. Write down every day what you did. How did it make you feel?
4️⃣ Morning routine
You created the one on the session. Track each part of routine and put ✔️ to those done every day. I would recommend to do it by hand as well (written). Pay special attention to a physical activity a day!
5️⃣ Tracking the changes
Start tracking your changes and just everything what is happening around you and inside of you. Notice the level of satisfaction at the end of the day, some pleasant moments(big and small), your condition and many little moments and details. Notice what is happening every day and what happened during the week, what was your condition, what was your reaction? Maybe you used to react to something one way, and now you react differently etc.
The goal setting is interesting. It’s the first time since as far back as I can remember that I did it. This time it had special meaning, because it was a true blank slate. Here’s what I came up with.
One. Find a sustainable source of income that does not rely on my previous persona, but is solely the product of my pseudonymous identity. Medium term objectives:
- Release a creative coding algorithm to the public (generative art NFT) that encapsulates my personal journey
- Launch a free to play, fully on chain game entirely by myself, from design to release.
- Build the world’s most impactful community for gambling addicts.
Two. Keep a disciplined schedule of 12 hours a day of learning. Priority ranking:
- Design and 3D web technologies (Figma, Adobe Suite, Blender, webGL, threeJS, React Fiber, p5js, etc.). Immediate focus: Complete ThreeJS journey (95 hrs).
- Math, statistics and probability. Immediate focus: Math Academy curriculum.
- Computer science. Immediate focus: Open Source Society University (40 hrs/week for 1y)
- Korean. Immediate focus:
- Literature. Immediate focus: Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past
- Physics. Immediate focus: Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Three. Forget the past, log the present, carve the future.
I am going to use this blog as the detailed log of my journey. I am not writing for anyone but myself. But if along the way I encounter others who I can inspire and who can inspire me, that would be a welcome addition. For now, I start from ground zero. Just me and the long road ahead.